Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Schedule for Winton Woods Middle School Massability Concert

You can watch the December 11 Winton Woods Middle School Massability Concert on Time-Warner Cable, Channel 15 and Cincinnati Bell Fioptics Cable Channel 801 at the following times:

Fri., 12/20 8:00 p.m.
Sat., 12/21 9:00 p.m.
Tue., 12/24 1:00 p.m.
Fri., 12/27 10:00  p.m.
Sat., 12/28 4:00 p.m.
Sun., 12/29 10:00 p.m.
Fri., 1/3 8:00 a.m.

Additional Playback times are available at

This program is also available online via Waycross video-on-demand

To purchase a DVD copy of this program, visit the Waycross order page.

Waycross Community Media coordinates education, government, and public media services for Forest Park, Greenhills, Colerain Township and Springfield Township.  Anyone wishing to learn more about Waycross Community Media, production workshops, programming or volunteer opportunities may call the media center at 825-2429 or visit

Schedule for Winton Woods High School Holiday Choir and Orchestra Concert

You can watch the December 9th Winton Woods High School Choir and Orchestra Concert  on Time-Warner Cable, Channel 15 and Cincinnati Bell Fioptics Cable Channel 801 at the following times:

Fri., 12/20 12:00 p.m.
Sat., 12/21 2:00 p.m.
Mon., 12/23 10:00 p.m.
Fri., 12/27 8:30 a.m.
Sat., 12/28 10:00 p.m.
Mon., 12/30 1:30 p.m.
Wed., 1/1 9:30  a.m.
Fri.,  1/3 1:00 p.m.

Additional Playback times are available at

This program is also available online via Waycross video-on-demand

To purchase a DVD copy of this program, visit the Waycross order page.

Waycross Community Media coordinates education, government, and public media services for Forest Park, Greenhills, Colerain Township and Springfield Township.  Anyone wishing to learn more about Waycross Community Media, production workshops, programming or volunteer opportunities may call the media center at 825-2429 or visit

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Television Schedule for Winton Woods Update - December, 2013

You can watch the December edition of Winton Woods Update  on Time-Warner Cable, Waycross Channel 4, Cincinnati Bell Fioptics Channel 854 and streaming ONLINE at the times below.

This month's edition features two segments from Winton Woods Primary North: a feature on the Seven Habits program and a segment highlighting the North Notes Extracurricular Choir.

This program will be cablecast:

Saturday's at 9:30 am
Monday's at 9:00 pm
Wednesday's at 6:00 pm
Friday's at 4:00 PM
This program is also available online via Waycross video-on-demand.

To purchase a DVD copy of this program, visit our Website. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Television Schedule for Winton Woods Update - October, 2013

Our Winton Woods School District program has a new name!  Warrior Wrap Up is now Winton Woods Update. You can watch the October edition of Winton Woods Update  on Time-Warner Cable, Waycross Channel 4 and streaming ONLINE at the times below.

This month's edition features two segments: a feature on the Warrior Strings - First Recital from WWIS and the 2013 WWHS Homecoming Parade

This program will be cablecast:

Saturday's at 9:30 am
Monday's at 9:00 pm
Wednesday's at 6:00 pm
Friday's at 4:00 PM
This program is also available online via Waycross video-on-demand.

To purchase a DVD copy of this program, visit our Website. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Fall Sports Program Senior Ad Deadline is soon approaching

Parents, guardians and grandparents now is the time to honor your graduating senior with an ad in the Fall Sports program.  The ad is 2" x 3.5" inch (business card size) and costs $10.00.  All ads can have a multiple of six lines with a maximum of 40 characters per line.  The ad is not limited to fall athletes, but open to Marching Band and Color Guard members as well.


You may purchase more than one ad if you like. Each ad will require a separate order form.


The deadline to submit an ad is 3:00 PM on Monday, August 26th, 2013.  You may either mail in your ad with payment to the attention of Dwight Campbell at WWHS or drop it off to the WWHS Athletic office.


The ad can be found here at:

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Programming Note: Winton Woods Superintendent Candidate Community Forum

Fro those who could not attend, last nights Winton Woods Superintendent Candidate Community Forum was recorded by Waycross Community Media. It will air on Time-Warner Cable, Channel 4 or 15 at the following times:

Tue., 6/4 9:00 p.m. - Channel 15
Wed., 6/5 12:30 p.m. - Channel 15
Thur., 6/6 8:00 p.m. - Channel 4
Sat., 6/8 2:30 p.m. - Channel 15
Sun., 6/9 7:30  a.m. - Channel 15
Mon., 6/10 5:30 p.m. - Channel 4
Wed., 6/12 7:30 p.m. - Channel 4
Fri., 6/14 12:00 p.m. - Channel 4

This program will also available online via video-on-demand at beginning tomorrow

Friday, May 31, 2013

Schedule for Warrior Wrap Up - June, 2013

You can watch the June edition of "Warrior Wrap Up "  on Time-Warner Cable, Waycross Channel 4 and

This month's edition features the Winton Woods Primary South English Language Learners (ELL) Program

This program will be cablecast:

Saturday's at 9:00 am
Monday's at 9:00 pm
Wednesday's at 5:30 pm
Friday's at 4:30 PM
This program is also available online via video-on-demand at

To purchase a DVD copy of this program, visit